Basic Help for BioCyc

How to Search BioCyc

The first step in querying BioCyc is to select the database you wish to query. You can select a database in two places:

The BioCyc Web site provides a variety of search tools to help you find the information you are looking for.

How to Learn More

For more information see:

BioCyc Tools

Please explore the Genome, Metabolism, and Analysis menus, which offer a variety of software tools including visualization of genome maps, metabolic networks, and regulatory networks; multiple tools for analysis of omics data; and comparative analyses and reports.

Right Operations Menu

At the right side of pages such as gene, metabolite, and pathway pages, is the right-operations menu. The menu offers commands for operating on the currently displayed object, e.g., for showing the current gene within a comparative genome browser, or for customizing the appearance of the current pathway. The contents of this menu change depending on the type of object currently displayed.

What to Bookmark

We suggest you bookmark some or all of these pages in your Web browser, depending on which databases you use most frequently.

What Web Browser to Use with the BioCyc Web Site

We suggest you use the following Web browsers:

Less recommended:

Sending Problem Reports and Suggestions

Please report Web site problems and errors or omissions in BioCyc databases, as well as general suggestions, as follows.